Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Friday, May 04, 2012

Family girls 2.0

above based on inputs from The Lazy Man

Saturday, April 02, 2011


A faceless portrait

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Barney(tharan) Stinson Studies Engineering in Chennai

First things first, I would like to introduce some guests: The Eternal Seeker and The Lazy Man, without whom this post would not have been possible.

This valentines day we are pleased to present.. Barney(tharan) Stinson! Nephew of THE Barney Stinson from the hit sitcom, How I Met Your Mother. This post is an account of the theories and law that Barney(tharan) compiled while he studied engineering in Chennai.

Theory of numbers

For every single and willing chick there are at least a million desperate and disappointed dudes in the same batch (Notice that the statistic does not restrict itself to single guys).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dream Theater - Live The Dream

How cool would it be if the movie theater came to you instead of it being the other way round? And by that I mean not just to your home, but to your head! Being able to watch movies in your dreams would be epic!

First of all, you don't have to restrict yourself to 3D. You can see, hear, smell, touch and (in some cases) taste what the heat of the moment is supposed to feel like.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Publish Or Else!

Or else what? I am not fond of the fact that I am part of a community that judges its peers by the number of refereed publications they have. It isn’t surprising that scientists (read nerds) came up with a system that normal people cannot possibly understand or be interested in. Normal people are not interested in citation numbers (the nerd equivalent of “likes”).