Tuesday, February 03, 2009

All Chicks... Hot Chicks?

Did you know that chennai had chicks?! I didn't either! But fortunately, i was proved wrong sometime back. For someone like me who spends most of his time 45kms away from civilization it was a welcome surprise. Which brings us to our present discussion.. Are all chicks hot chicks?...

Note: When I say hot I am not referring to anything other than what you can see, touch and feel(up!). This post lets carnality overpower logic.

There are no ugly women in this world... Only poor ones. Beauty comes at a cost that many cannot afford. Pick any woman, throw in a couple cosmetic procedures, some insane work outs, make up, a new hair do and some fitting clothes.. VOILA! HOT CHICK!!!


Anonymous said...

lol Finally someone who shares the opinion that all girls are beautiful! Just goes to show that some of us are romantics bound by monogamous tendencies due to societal and moral constraints when we actually admire the entire womanhood!Art lovers if u will..But this is something that everyone cannot understand.

Avinash Vijay said...

My friend, I assume that you are also restricting yourself to physical beauty. I am an art lover in that respect too. But I believe that monogamous tendencies arise in romantics not due to societal/moral constraints but due to things beyond these constraints. Inner beauty cannot be "bought", it has to be acquired.

Anonymous said...

@ Instinct

I agree that inner beauty cannot be bought.I also believe that a romantic can see beauty in all its forms,whether its the obvious physical appearance or the inner beauty.The former doesn't take much time but the latter does for obvious reasons.As far as monogamy is concerned i guess romantics are in a relationship with one person when they possibly admire and love many others.Its just that admiration is often mistaken.

Anonymous said...

@ Instinct

And dude the first woman on whom my eyes were set when i was going through the pic was CINDY before the make-over!

Avinash Vijay said...

"admiration is often mistaken" very true! it is very unfortunate that most people are shallow enough to interpret such admiration as infidelity...

n yeah cindy s really cute

Anonymous said...

Did u mean hot chick or hawt chick :D

Avinash Vijay said...


U r one of the only Hawt chicks i kno! nobody els even comes close!